The weather the last two days have had amazing weather around here. Yesterday morning- post workout- I attempted to get some studying on. I got about 15-20 minutes in until my friend Melinda started text messaging me…. Guess what I’m doing June 9th-----> The Warrior Dash!
Yup, 3.11 miles of racing through 10 obstacles, Including jumping over fire and a mud pit under barbed wire- I’m pumped!!! Melinda and I will be raising money for St. Jude’s Hospital and hope that our connection with the yoga studio will help us raise some funds.
Well after all the excitement of signing up- I’ve never actually done a race of any kind before-There was no way I was going to study. So we decided to take the mutts for a walk and a swim. Check out how cute her dog Daisy and my little Hydro face are… I think they are in love <3
They were hilarious- racing each other out to the stick and attempting to swim back with it when they both had a hold. I laughed so much I was struggling to breathe- I love these kids!
By the time I got back home I was starved so I made some food and again attempted to study. I finished reading the chapter (which was only 3 pages) and tried to move on to watching the videos through the E-learning center- Instead I fell asleep for a little over an hour.. Oops. Thankfully I woke up in time to teach my class, which included lots and lot of jump-squats.
They had me regretting life when I woke up for the gym this morning- plyo workouts are no joke! Including this mornings workout- I worked out 4 times in 24 hours. Maybe its a was a little much, but hey sometimes you have to do these things.
A few things to note: Its really important to refuel and rehydrate after working out so much- I know you know that- because you kids are smart! But, Well rehydrating leads to having to pee every 20 minutes and each time is like squatting again and again. My inner thighs are burning!
Now I’m attempting to recover here on the couch, watching the Wonder Years and being smothered by that mutt up there.. Have a good night!
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