First- Happy Veteran’s day (A day late is better than nothing) A huge thank you too all of the men and woman who have fought for our freedom.
On Veteran’s day I woke up at 5:30 and realized that James was in bed next to me.. First thing I did was look up at the clock- and then freak out that James slept late (He normally wakes up at 3:45 each morning) And then I got a little surprise- James had the day off! We got to spend some extra time in bed snuggling before getting up and making some breakfast- Scrambled eggs and pancakes. He went off to go mountain biking and I hit the gym. I took on the Sore leg workout again, and this time I could tell that I’m gaining strength!
15 minutes warm up on the elliptical
100 Squats @ 60lbs*
3x15 each leg- one leg press @50 lbs
3x15 deadlifts @60 lbs
3x15 each leg lunges @ 30 lbs
3x15 Jump squats
* also thrown in were some chin ups between squats- I did 25 and then 1-2 chin ups before moving on to the next 25..
10 minutes cool down on treadmill
I left sweaty and satisfied and went home to shower and hang out with Paula for a bit.. James and I met back up and headed to Starbucks for a coffee break before running to the grocery store to grab some food for the week and stuff for dinner. (I’m still not “technically” living back at the house but I have stayed over almost every night and I’m just running back and forth to the apartment to get clothes and stuff.) We went home, made dinner and watched an episode of Breaking Bad before our friends came to the house for a drink.. We all hung out and wasted some time on Youtube before heading out for some drinks at a local veterans club- where I proceeded to dance around with some random dude at the bar to whatever was playing on the Juke box.. Good times :)
The day started a bit later today- but lots of coffee was consumed while watching some cartoons. It was amazingly beautiful outside- so we decided to go for a hike around Carr’s pond.. It was an awesome 2 1/2 hour hike through the woods- and a perfect way to get some blood moving to my sore butt and legs :)
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