Oh Thursday.. You are my long day.. You are the day that I hate and love at the same time! I really tried to get up super early this morning so I could go to the gym and shower before work- but my body had other plans.. I snoozed my alarm for an hour and a half.. I know I probably should have just reset it for a later time- but I’m not that smart when I’m half sleeping! I woke up making coffee first thing- along with some blueberry oats topped with peanut butter…
To make up for the lack to gym time this morning (I know I most likely will not head to the gym after work because I will be way too tired and have to teach later tonight) I did a Bodyrock and completed it in 14:18.. Since I don’t have a dip station or a sandbag I had to make a few modifications. For the first workout- I kicked my leg forward before stepping back into the lunge- which worked out the same :) With the sandbag squats and sandbag swing I just completed with body weight resistance. Finally the core splits were modified with leg/hip raises.. Each time I would lift my hips up I would extend the legs into the “split”
Work dragged a bit- but I made it out with some money in the wallet- though I must admit that I am exhausted. I just wanted to sit down for a few with a snack- and so now that that is done- I’m wishing that I could take a nap but I need to hit up Trader Joes and make some dinner before I hit up Zumba and teach a class. I’m looking ahead to the bedtime routine!
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